The author is a fourth generation dairy farmer born and raised in California. He is currently partners with his father at Rib-Arrow Dairy in Tulare where they proudly ship their milk to Land O Lakes. Tyler...
As more farms explore the potential of cover crops, trial and error helps people learn what works best when it comes to managing these covers and the plantings that follow
Agronomically speaking, healthier corn plants equate to improved crop performance and yield. Crop protection practices resulting in healthier corn likely also contribute to more efficiency with nutrient...
While planters were rolling fast and furious this past week, corn planting has been running a bit behind the five-year trend. This year’s cool, wet spring is partly to blame
While planting season is well underway in the southern half of the U.S., a cold and wet spring has many farmers in more northern states playing a waiting game
I just wanted to say thanks for bringing out articles like the one on planting green and soil health that ran in the March 10 Hoard’s Dairyman Intel. We have practiced this for five years now and...
Planting a grain crop like corn or soybeans into a growing cover crop is a practice that is gaining popularity. For dairy and crop farmer Tony Peirick, “planting green” is a concept
When preparing for planting after corn silage harvest, farmers need to consider forage inventory, cereal grain management, economics, and trying new forages
Converting from conventional tillage to a reduced or no-till cropping system may come with a learning curve, but in terms of corn planting, it doesn’t require new machinery
Meat, chicken, fish, dairy products, or eggs . . . as it turns out, your body needs nine proteins found in these foods because those amino acids cannot be made by the body